All tagged Summer Herbs

Summer Herb Compound Butter with Garlic & Lemon Zest

There’s something so special about butter. It’s perfect on toast, adds a richness to sauces, browns baked chicken beautifully and so much more! Butter already seems perfect as is, however when you add herbs, spices, and other types of flavorful ingredients, it transforms into something amazing called a compound butter. Since we recently learned about delicious summer herbs, today’s recipe is a Summer Herb Compound Butter with Garlic and Lemon Zest!

My Favorite Summer Herbs

Based on previous posts or if you already know me pretty well then you know that I have a deep love for herbs! They are my favorite plants to grow from seed when I prepare my annual patio garden. Herbs are a staple in my everyday cooking due to their aromatic and deeply flavorful accents. There’s nothing like going outside in your own garden to snip some fresh rosemary or parsley to enhance your dinner!

Today I want to share with you five herbs that I love to grow and use in the summertime which are Rosemary, Parsley, Thyme, Bay Laurel, and Sage. These herbs are versatile and can be used in a wide array of culinary dishes and medicinal remedies.