All tagged Japanese Food

Sesame Honey Miso Dip

We’re back at it with another recipe in the #ACAinJapan series! Recently, I shared a blog post about the Japanese mortar and pestle called suribachi and surikogi. It’s such a beautiful and well-designed kitchen tool. I’ll be honest when I say that it would be a good idea to have one of these in your kitchen arsenal. The suribachi and surikogi serve as a vital tool in making today’s recipe, which is a Sesame Honey Miso Dip!

The Japanese Cucumber #ACAinJapan

Today we begin with one of Japan’s most common vegetables that’s used on a daily basis and that is the Japanese Cucumber! It is known as “Kyuri” in Nihongo and I have to say that this has become my favorite type of cucumber! Like other cucumber varieties, the Japanese cucumber has a light and crisp taste. However, this cucumber is not bitter and it actually has a slight sweetness to it when you take a bite…